Thursday, January 19, 2006

Kayako has released version 3

For those who are clients, you'll notice a big difference when you click Support as you'll be taken to rather than the old esupport link. I've installed version 3 and it's awesome! I'm still figuring things out (like how to enable the live support option) so be patient with me. Go login and check out how neat this new version is!

For those who are not clients, if you are a hosting company and you use Esupport from Kayako, you should really check into the latest version! (By the way, the system is great for project management. I added a department called "Project Management" and keep all outstanding projects in as a ticket. Clients can add a new ticket when they need website work done. The ticket can be updated as progress is made and all the information is accessible via the web! No more worrying about whether your email backup will work when you need it or not being able to access client project data when out of town.)


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Forget resolutions! Set goals!

Well it's the 3rd of January so the year is passing by already. Did you come up with New Years resolutions? Personally, I am more of a GOAL-setter than a resolution kind of person. And I tend to set them high so even if I fall short, I still come out on top.

Example: One of my goals this year is to exercise every day. Will I do that? Of course not but if I set a goal to exercise 3-5 times a week, I'd keep procrastinating and end up only exercising 1-2 days per week.

P.S. Today is the 3rd of January. I'm headed now to exercise and it's the 3rd day in a row! :o)
I also set a scrapbooking goal that I'd do at least a few minutes of scrapbooking each day and so far, I'm 3 for 3 on that one too. This year, I've promised myself I'm not going to spend most of my waking moments working. What good will I be to my clients if I don't take care of me?!
