Thursday, December 29, 2005

Never click a link in an email supposedly from Paypal

Today, I wanted to remind you to ALWAYS go to Paypal's website in your browser before doing anything prompted from an email. Some of the phishing scams look very legit and can trick even a savvy person if they are in a hurry. Spam software will catch many of them but not all. If you hover your mouse over the link, you can usually tell that the link is not legitimate but not always.

So PLEASE remember to open your browser (IE, Firefox, etc.) and manually go to Paypal's website! Better safe than sorry!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

25% off WebAssist software

Offer ends soon (Dec 31, 2005)

25% off WebAssist software - If you have been thinking about buying from WA, now's the time to try them out. They are the leading provider of Adobe and Macromedia extensions.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Setting & Achieving Your Business Goals (Article by Alice Seba)

There's no time like the present to review the past year and make some solid goals for your growing business. Here are a few tips for setting and achieving those goals:

1. Brainstorm - Start writing a list of things you'd like to accomplish. At first, you might think you don't have any ideas, but soon they will come pouring out. You may even end up with too many goals that you could realistically accomplish. Prioritize and decide which are most important.

2. Write your goals down in one central place and record any changes you make to your goals - This way you can track your progress and will be become even better at setting goals for yourself in the future.

3. Make sure your goals are challenging, yet attainable - In other words, don't make them all too easy, but then again, don't list a bunch that you will never achieve. If you make them too easy, you will feel like you haven't accomplished much and if you make them too difficult, you'll feel defeated.

4. Set a realistic timeframe for your goals - Remember, you can't do everything at once. If you have short and simple goals, set short timeframes. For your more involved goals, analyze the steps needed to complete them and be realistic about how much time you will need to accomplish your goals.

5. As you write down your goals, ask why is this my goal? - If your goal is to set up an affiliate program for your site, you will motivate yourself better if you understand and remind yourself why you are doing this. It may be to increase your website traffic, to earn more income or to create brand recognition for your product. It could be any number of things, but make sure you know what they are.

6. Make your goals measurable - Don't just say, you want to learn about graphics. Make a specific plan. Perhaps, you want to learn about Flash graphics and you want to be able to make your own Flash movie. Or perhaps, you're happy just being able to design your own animated gif. You need to be able to see when you've achieved your goals.

7. Identify what "tools" you will use and how will obtain the "tools" to achieve your goals - Perhaps, your goal is to build your own web page for the first time. You need to think about what you need to do that. Two of the many things you might need are software and a tutorial or the help of knowledgeable friend. You'll need to purchase the software or find the freeware. You'll also need to look around for the tutorial or see when your friend might have time to help you.

8. Don't overload yourself - We all want to get everything done and to be as perfect as possible, but don't give yourself too much. Remember, time with family is why you have a home business. It's okay to have a larger number of small, easily attainable goals, but do limit the number of major goals that require a number of resources and significant time to achieve. Remember, as in a previous step, you can always revisit and revise your goals if need be.

9. Divide your goals into short term and long term goals - If you keep this list separate, you can better organize yourself to complete them. Short term goals usually can be completed at anytime with not much time commitment. Your long term goals will require more involvement and you don't likely want to take on too many long term goals at one time.

10. Revisit and revise your goals when necessary - This doesn't mean that if you're a procrastinator, you can just come back and push all your dates back. This exercise is to see if you are on track with your goals. Perhaps, you're a little ahead of schedule and you can add a goal or two. Maybe, you're falling behind, and that's okay. You need to look at why you're falling behind. Is it because you didn't dedicate the time necessary, you didn't have the tools to accomplish your goals or was it just unrealistic planning? You can learn from all these things and set better goals in the future. If you do extend a deadline, make a new plan on how you will meet that new timeframe.

Always, congratulate yourself on a job well done. Share your successes with your family and peers. Then start working on the next goal...

Alice Seba thrives on helping others build profitable online businesses. Claim your Internet Marketing prescriptions to success at

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Firefox extension for bloggers!

If you blog and you use firefox, you MUST check out this new extension. It's completely awesome!

Now I'll have NO excuse for not posting more often *LOL*


Merry Christmas!

Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please say a prayer for those who are celebrating for the first time without a loved one. My father passed away in 2004 so last Christmas was our first one without him. Until you've gone through it, you have no idea how it feels. It was really hard to get into the season.

This year is the second Christmas without my Daddy (who still called me "Baby Girl"). In some ways, it seems even harder because it's been even longer since I've talked to him, hugged him, seen his smiling face. With the help of family and friends, I will get through it though. I really feel bad for those who have lost a loved one and don't have anyone to be there for them. Please say a special prayer for them!

Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Free web design software

Share the Love

As of the time I'm writing this, you still have time to Share any software you buy from Coffeecup with a friend or family member for free!

Just order software from this link.

While you are placing your order for any of their software, you will see a box to add your friend's name and e-mail address. Just complete the order and they get the same thing you bought for Free!


Thousands of dollars in free gifts - 12 days of Christmas from Mark Hendricks

This is my first year time hearing about the 12 days of Christmas from Mark Hendricks. Apparently, he gives away thousands of dollars worth in gifts. This came highly recomended from a friend on a mail list that I'm on or I wouldn't be recommending it to you. Her only warning was that you are giving your email address to lots of marketers as you claim your gifts so you may want to pick and choose.

You may also want to create a folder on your computer called 12DaysChristmas so you can store everything together and remember where it came from months from now.

The URL is

At least go check it out!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

10 things to do before 2005 ends

Before you know it, 2005 will be history. Here are ten things I plan to do before 2005 is gone forever.

  1. Continue to thank God for all successes I've had this year!
  2. Spend lots of time with my family over the Christmas holiday!
  3. Continue to thank my clients who help make Premium Web what it is. For example, I've sent out some Christmas cards but I need to get the rest of them out asap.
  4. Evaluate what I did in 2005 that worked well.
  5. Evaluate what I did in 2005 that didn't work so well.
  6. Post to my blog more often.
  7. Finish up some work that's been in progress longer than I'd like due to me being sick.
  8. Clean out my email and start the new year as fresh as possible.
  9. Spend some money on things I need to buy anyway so I can reduce my tax bill
  10. Finish getting everything together for my accountant. True, not the funnest thing but a necessary evil of having a successful business.
What do you want to accomplish before 2005 ends? If you don't put it in writing, it probably won't happen.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Free Gift

December is here! Before you know it, we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In honor of Christmas, I would like to offer you a FREE gift! Reply to this post with what you love best about Christmas and I'll email you details about your surprise gift!

(No, the gift is not your salvation. That would be an awesome gift but your salvation is something I can't personally give you. The FREE gift I'm offering is something for your website.)

