Thursday, February 23, 2006

Search Engine Strategies New York

Are you going to Search Engine Strategies New York?

I really wish I could go! I haven't ruled it out for sure but I'm so swamped that I highly doubt I'll be able swing it. Visiting New York is a dream of mine so maybe some miracle will happen and I can go. If so, I promise to learn lots I can pass on to all of you!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

As the mother of a teenage girl and the close friend of someone whose daughter committed suicide, this subject is near and dear to my heart. Please help me spread the word!

From the website: "The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s mission is to provide immediate assistance to individuals in suicidal crisis by connecting them to the nearest available suicide prevention and mental health service provider through a toll-free telephone number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)."

Web address:


Fantastico more fantastic!

Premium Web clients: Have you looked at the Fantastico scripts lately? There are some new ones. Give them a try and feel free to comment and let everyone know what you think!!!

If you are not a Premium Web client, see if your web host has Fantastico. If so, there are lots of scripts at your disposal that are easy to install and use.


Monday, February 20, 2006

The Importance of ICE

Did you see this article in Woman's Day? The article recommends that emergency contact information be included in paper address books and cell phone address books.

In the event of an emergency, an EMS (Emergency Medical Service) person could have an emergency contact phone number at their disposal immediately. Remember, you may not be able to speak so let your address book speak for you.

Here's how I added mine. I put ICE as the Last Name in case the EMT knows to press I to get to contacts beginning with I. I put "In case of emergency" as the first name. Then I put the work, home and mobile # for my emergency contact person.

If you want to list more than one, add another contact with ICE 2 or ICE Second choice as the last name.

Please help pass this on. It could end up helping you one day. Also, if you come across a wreck, you could be the one looking for this information!


Monday, February 13, 2006

Do you think your site has been hijacked?

This week, I had a couple clients report to me that Google was sending their traffic to a porn site! I was baffled and needless to say I ended up spending a fair amount of time on this issue.

I did some research and lo and behold, this is not something new. Apparently, Yahoo has fixed this problem but Google and MSN Search have not. I even found a page that tells about Google's Adsense address being hijacked last year!

You can learn more about the Page Hijack Exploit at

If you find that the search engines are showing what appears to be your site but the visitor is redirected elsewhere, report this to Google immediately at

What do you think about this? Feel free to post your comments!
