Free PDF creatorA friend recommended this and it looks like a great resource! I haven't tried it personally since I own PDF software already but I feel comfortable passing this along given it was recommended by jl Scott of me know what you think of it!
Suggestion for using the software (mainly how I use my pdf software):
Print your receipts for purchases to pdf files and store them in folders on an external drive which you backup periodically. At the end of the year, burn the PDFs to a CD and file it with your taxes.
I originally planned to trash my paper receipts but CDs are only good for 5-10 years so you will probably want to keep the paper copies. However, maybe you can store them somewhere else.
I file my emails in Outlook as well as printing a paper copy and printing them to PDF and saving on an external drive. Redundancy is the key to any backup system!
Now, go forth and create PDFs!